Thursday, January 27, 2011


The population of approximately 3 million comprises indigenous ethnic Papuans, Melanesians, and Austronesians (largely immigrants from other Indonesian areas).

West Papua is the western half of the island of New Guinea. It borders the independent state of Papua New Guinea and lies just 250km north of Australia.

Swathed in tropical rainforest which is second in size only to those of the Amazon, it is home to many unique species of wildlife including tree kangaroos and beautiful birds of paradise. It is also one of the world’s most resource rich areas containing huge reserves of oil, gas, copper, gold and timber.

The indigenous population number about 1 million Melanesian Papuans, many of whom still live subsistence or hunter gatherer tribal lifestyles. The diverse tribes of New Guinea speak some 15% of the world’s known languages, despite having less than 3% of the world’s population.

In 1971, Freeport Sulphur commenced construction of the Grasberg Mine which has become the world's biggest gold mine and the world's third largest copper mine.

The land is under brutal Indonesian military occupation. Its tribal people are being slaughtered, and their unique environment destroyed.

According to these sources genocide is evident in West Papua. Some have exposed horrific video footage of Indonesian military torturing and killing innocent West Papuan civilians. - The Free West Papua Campaign exists to alert the world to this ongoing tragedy - and to stop it happening. - This is a partial listing of alleged human rights violations in western New Guinea under Indonesian rule.

Many tribal people are being slaughtered, and their unique environment destroyed - reports of genocide
Many villages bombed by Indonesia
many peacefully campaigners are arrested, tortured and threatened with death
Many West Papuans women are raped
100,000 Papuans, have died since incorporation into Indonesia

Late last year (October 2010), the Indonesian Government launched cyber warfare attack against a number of British NGO groups including Survival International, Free West Papua Campaign, Friends of People Close To Nature, West Papua Unite, as well as the Hong Kong based Asian Human Rights Commission.
All of these groups hosted the horrific footage showing Indonesian military torturing and killing innocent West Papuan civilians. Pressure is now building on the British Government to cut all ties with Indonesia.

Indonesian Wikileaks Released About West Papua:

In other WikiLeaks news, a newly released U.S. diplomatic cable reveal the Obama administration’s decision to renew military ties with Indonesia was made in spite of serious concerns expressed by its own diplomats about the Indonesian military’s activities in the province of West Papua. The Australian newspaper The Age reports the cables show the United States fears that the Indonesian government’s neglect, rampant corruption and human rights abuses are stoking unrest in the region. The leaked embassy cables also reveal that U.S. diplomats privately blame Jakarta for instability and “chronic underdevelopment” in West Papua, where military commanders have been accused of drug smuggling and illegal logging rackets across the border with Papua New Guinea. In addition, the cables confirm that the U.S. mining company Freeport-McMoRan has paid millions of dollars to members of the Indonesian security forces to help “protect” its operations.Indonesian Wikileaks Released About West Papua

Spread the news on Twitter, Facebook, and other mediums you have access to. Join the Anonymous on #opfreewestpapua We need to show our support to those in west papua!!

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